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Infrastructure Development and Marginalisation: Perceptions Negotiated through Mass Media Coverage - A Study of Vizhinjam International Seaport Project, Kerala, India


A quarter century experience of a paradigm shift to neo-liberal economic policies and the subsequent development agenda were instrumental in creating tangible growth as well as new forms of marginalisation and displacement in India. This dichotomy led to many studies which examined the nature of public responses to mass media coverage of various components pertaining to this larger issue.  This study has focused on the Vizhinjam International Seaport Project of Kerala (a south Indian State) and the perceptions of the fishing community living there towards this project as negotiated through the mass media coverage. Consequently the media-driven perceptions among the fishing community and their real view about these issues or factors were analysed separately through a field study. It was observed that their perceptions about this massive infrastructural project were not primarily conditioned by the mass media coverage. It was revealed that, although media coverage was strident in portraying the project as an 'imperative' for development, it was not helpful in allaying the fears of displacement and marginalisation among the fisherfolk. Despite being exposed to the chances of embracing 'modern lifestyles' by migrating to jobs other than in the fishing sector, the community was not persuaded to do so. Thus the study points towards the critical necessity of engaging in a truly participatory communication with the primary stakeholders right from the formative stages of development programmes and projects.


Infrastructure development, Displacement, Marginalisation, Mass Media, perceptions, CAD


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