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In Vitro Effects of PHYLLANTHUS NIRURI Extract on Urolithiasis


Urolithiasis is a condition that involves the formation of stones in the kidneys, bladder and / or urethra. Kidney stone is one of the oldest and most widespread diseases known to man. Many stones are asymptomatic until they start to move down from the urethra, causing pain due to blockage. The pain starts abruptly when a stone moves in the urinary tract, causing irritation or obstruction. 

Usually, a person experiences sharp, tingling pain in the area of the kidneys or in the back and side of the abdomen. Sometimes nausea and vomiting occur. Additional corporeal shockwave lithotripsy, ultrasonic waves or shock waves are used to break up the stones so that they can be excreted in the urine or removed through an endoscope. Lithotripsy may be an alternative to surgery.

Medicinal plants play a significant role in various ancient traditional methods of medicine. Medicinal plants are the main source of new medicines that are considered to be very safe, with few or no side effects. Inhibition of the formation of calcium oxalate crystals .

The in vitro anterolytic function was performed by single diffusion gel growth technology, dual diffusion gel growth techniques and turbidometric method. The growth of hydroxyapatite crystals in the presence of 3% leaf methanol extract has a relatively short diffusion length and is more resistant to growth than 1%, 2% leaf methanol extract and cystone. At the same time in the study of growth inhibition of calcium hydrogen phosphate dihydrate crystal in the presence of 3% leaf methanol extract had a much higher growth inhibition capacity than different concentrations of leaf extracts and cystone. Similarly 3% leaf methanol extract produced maximum inhibition of calcium oxalate crystal growth over different concentrations of leaf juice and cystone. In the turbidometric method, the maximum growth block was removed in 15mg / 5ml of leaf methanol extract rather than in different concentrations of leaf extract and cystone. 

Overall b. To clarify the chemical components of the extract and the mechanism responsible for its anterolytic activity.



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