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Lactic acid bacteria are the predominant microbial group in fermented products, which play an important role in fermentation processes. The LAB used in commercial starter cultures possesses numerous metabolic characteristics such as production of organic acids, aroma compounds, bacteriocins and exopolysaccharides. Our reports show high values of hydrophobicity, coaggregation as well as a strong biofilm production of Lactobacillus sp was recorded . Various immobilization/encapsulation techniques have been proposed and tested for application in functional food production. In the present research, the use of Cissus quadrangularis as prebiotic with probiotic microorganisms was found to be beneficial and LAB become more active. . Subsequently, immobilization/encapsulation applications in the food industry aiming at the prolongation of cell viability are described together with an evaluation of their potential future impact, which is also highlighted and assessed. The total Polysaccharide was estimates Cissus quadrangularis acted as prebiotic and stimulate or suatain the viability of cells. High values and the strongest biofilm production was also recored in chitosan immboilzed cells. The Lactobacillus strains and pathogenic strains tested could all auto aggregate. Auto aggregation increased as a function of time and was highest at the 24 h time point.A moderate coaggregation and hydrophobicity was registerd at non immobilized cells and starch based polymers. The auto aggregative percentages of all pathogenic isolates ranged between 10 and 16 %, which is 9- fold below the range for the Lactobacillus isolates (between 99 %) after 24 h in the same conditions. These results demonstrate that there is relationship between auto aggregation and adhesiveness ability of L. acidophilus also showed strain-specific co aggregation abilities with the tested indicator strains. It has been suggested that coaggregate with pathogens, may constitute an important host defiance mechanism against infection by inhibitor producing LAB, which. Biofilm formation by secretion of exopolysaccharide (EPS) was observed.

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