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Remote correspondence networks are exceptionally inclined to security dangers. The significant uses of remote correspondence networks are in military, business, medical care, retail, and transportations. These frameworks utilize wired, cell, or specially appointed organizations. Remote sensor organizations, actuator organizations, and vehicular organizations have gotten an extraordinary consideration in the public eye and industry. As of late, the Internet of Things (IoT) has gotten significant examination consideration. The IoT is considered as eventual fate of the web. In future, IoT will assume an essential job and will change our living styles, guidelines, just as plans of action. The use of IoT in various applications is required to rise quickly in the coming years. The IoT permits billions of gadgets, people groups, and administrations to interface with others and trade data. Because of the expanded use of IoT gadgets, the IoT networks are inclined to different security assaults. The arrangement of proficient security and protection conventions in IoT networks is amazingly expected to guarantee secrecy, validation, access control, and respectability, among others. In this paper, a broad exhaustive examination on security and protection issues in IoT networks is given.

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