
  • Dr. L. JENNIFFER St. Joseph’s College of Arts And Science for Women, Hosur, Tamilnadu, India
  • U. MONISHA St. Joseph’s College of Arts And Science for Women, Hosur, Tamilnadu, India
  • M.K. NANDHINI St. Joseph’s College of Arts And Science for Women, Hosur, Tamilnadu, India


Aestheticism, Decadence and Realism, Modernism, Naturalism, Romance


A comparative study of modernist and realistic inventive traits in Europe in the early 19th century is discussed right here underneath. The intention is to examine how political and social hierarchy had been stimulated by using each movement. The most convincing points located inside the modern scholarship mirror the resistance to the contemporary and revolutionary technique practised by artists of the emerging middle elegance. It will serve for the visible composition and political convictions of the instant as an ancient context. The essence of this investigation is to understand how social reform changed into added on through movements.


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Woolf, Virginia.(1984).“Modern Fiction”. In Andrew McNeille, Ed. The Essays of VirginiaWoolf. Volume4. London: The Hogarth Press,157-165

Turner,Luke.(2011). TheMetamodernist Manifesto. Retrieved from

Lukács, Georg. Studies in European Realism: A Sociological Survey of the Writings of Balzac, Stendhal, Zola, Tolstoy, Gorki and Others. Translated by Edith Bone. London: Merlin Press,1972.

Fredric Jameson, “Antinomies of the Realism- Modernism Debate,” in “Peripheral Realisms,” ed. Joe Cleary, Jed Esty, and Colleen Lye, Modern Language Quarterly, 73, no. 3 (2012):476.



How to Cite

THE DIFFERENCES OF MODERNISM AND REALISM. (2021). JS International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, 3(1).