
  • Asha Sohal K.R. Mangalam University, Gurugram, Haryana, INDIA
  • Shambhu Kumar Singh Sandip University (Sijoul)
  • Praveen Kumar Y G Sri Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education


Engineering, Additive manufacturing, 3-D printing,


The creation of 3D data is accomplished using a process known as additive manufacturing (AM), which is also known as 3D printing. The term for this type of production is additive. The use of materials that are based on metal is growing. It comes at a high cost and has restricted applications. Because of this, getting access to technology can be difficult for smaller and medium-sized businesses. This project will construct a low-cost 3D metal printer in order to take use of the possibilities offered by the technology. This article explains how a low-cost 3D metal printer may be made, how it operates, and how much it costs, in addition to discussing MIG welding and electrical connection. The newly conceived low-cost 3D metal printer is currently undergoing testing to ensure its accuracy and quality. The data from computer-aided design applications and the structural accuracy of 3D printed models are compared (CAD programs). In order to evaluate the interlayer bonding, cross-sectional pictures acquired by a SEM were made of each sample. According to the findings of the experiment, the recently invented low-cost 3D metal printer is capable of producing an adequate metal structure. Hence, despite the fact that we have considered the possibility of making use of the response that was supplied, it also leaves room for future inquiry, particularly with regard to the extent to which the degree of precision that was observed exceeded what was necessary.


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How to Cite

Sohal, A., Singh, S. K., & Y G, P. K. (2023). A CHEAP 3D METAL PRINTER: DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT. IARS’ Knowledge Planet, (978-1-922642-02-8). Retrieved from https://jconsortium.com/index.php/iarsbookplanet/article/view/737