
  • Kaushal Kumar K.R. Mangalam University, Gurugram, Haryana, INDIA
  • Krishana Karak Sandip University (Sijoul)
  • Divya Prabha Sri Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education


Engineering, Logic Devices, Crystal Based, Photonic Integrated Circuit (PIC)


As demand for high-speed data processing grows, next-generation computing systems will need all-optical signal processing circuits and logic devices. This is because data processing demands are growing. Silicon-based Photonic Integrated Circuits (PIC) provide a good basis for such devices since they are high-performance, low-power, and compatible with CMOS manufacturing. This makes them suitable for such devices. They can be used to implement such devices. The photonic band gap (PBG), self-collimation, and slow-light propagation of Photonic Crystal (PhC) make it a suitable substrate for silicon-based PICs. They include slowing light propagation, self-collimation, and self-collimation. PhC is a strong candidate for silicon-based PICs. Another benefit of PhC is its versatility in photonic integrated circuits. This opens various design possibilities (PICs). Nevertheless, a review of PhC-based devices for PICs shows that linear optical phenomena-based isolators, waveguide bends, decoders, and adders need to be designed efficiently. Developing PhC-based PIC devices shows this necessity. PhC-based devices for PICs demonstrate this need. Demanding this made it public. The market's deficit necessitates matching demand. The thesis will focus on this. This thesis lists five contributions, which will be briefly explored below. Donations help achieve these aims. An all-optical isolator that uses light beam interference was proposed as a solution. First proposed solution. This isolator is supported by a two-dimensional silicon rods-in-air square lattice PhC.


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How to Cite

Kumar, K., Karak, K., & Prabha, D. (2023). SOME PHOTONIC CRYSTAL BASED INTERCONNECTING AND LOGIC DEVICES FOR PIC. IARS’ Knowledge Planet, (978-1-922642-02-8). Retrieved from

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