Impact of paradigm shift on employee engagement due to pandemic.


  • Chinnu Thomas Mar Ivanios College
  • Ratheesh R Mar Ivanios College



Employee engagement, Pandemic situation, Remote working


This pandemic situation has brought in new set of challenges in many sectors of the economy. While people are adapting to new normal, organisations are trying hard to maintain uninterrupted flow of work. Since work is done remotely away from standard, employee engagement has become one of the prominent priorities of Human resource management department. Organizations are continuously trying to develop new effective techniques to maintain the same level of employee engagement as before or much higher. This research paper makes a descriptive study on the impact of current pandemic on employee engagement and brings forward the measures adopted by different organisation to maintain same level of employee engagement.

Major question is how employee engagement can be practiced when employees are working remotely, especially when they are apprehensive about other priorities of life. Effective innovative measures will keep employees motivated even in the toughest times like this. Working from home with proper support from organisation will lead to a positive shift. Giving away the usual antecedents and quick adaption to new changes is important for survival of every organisations.


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How to Cite

Thomas, C. . and R, R. . (2022) “Impact of paradigm shift on employee engagement due to pandemic”., Amity Journal of Professional Practices. Florida, USA, 2(01). doi: 10.55054/ajpp.v2i01.505.
