Artificial Intelligence Accelerated Transformation in The Healthcare Industry




Artificial Intelligence, Patient Engagement, Healthcare, Chatbots


The healthcare industry was a pioneer in the deployment of artificial intelligence (AI) technology. Due to the nature of the services and the vulnerability of a sizable portion of end users, there has been a significant amount of research and discussion on the concept of artificial intelligence. A mixed-method approach has been used to pinpoint the components of moral AI in the healthcare sector and look into how it affects value creation and market performance. Since AI technology is still developing in India, analysis is conducted in an Indian context. The understanding of how various AI components supported healthcare organisations and deliver better patient-centered care and evidence-based medicine was aided by these in-depth studies and analyses of the patient perspective.


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How to Cite

Kaushik, P. (2023) “Artificial Intelligence Accelerated Transformation in The Healthcare Industry”, Amity Journal of Professional Practices. Florida, USA, 3(01). doi: 10.55054/ajpp.v3i01.630.