Engineering, implementation of low PAPR, variable rate, architectureAbstract
4G LTE, DVB, IEEE 802.11, and others power modern life. Due to its high spectral efficiency, tolerance to fading and interference, lower computational complexity, and adaptive coding and modulation, most wireless communication systems use orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) for multicarrier modulation. Nevertheless, OFDM/high OFDMA's peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) renders it inappropriate for DVB-satellite to portable (DVB-SH), IoT, and 5G networks. CI-OFDM utilizes carrier interferometry (CI) codes with orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) for low PAPR and excellent bit error rate (BER). CI-OFDM has been called a single carrier modulation method, notwithstanding its benefits. IDFT OFDM eliminates CI code amplitude and phase. CI codes can be used with a unique oversampled CI-OFDM architecture to reduce PAPR. Both methods only support single-user, single-charge applications. The Internet of Things requires multicarrier modulation with variable data rates to link billions of devices and sensor nodes with varied sampling rates. Variable rate algorithms like VSL MC-CDMA and GO-OFDMA are suitable for these applications. GO-OFDMA surpasses VSL MC-CDMA in PAPR. A new architecture and its efficacy have been proposed since GO-OFDMA can only be used for speculation.
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