Distance Education in Achievement of Universal Education in India


  • Geeta Yadav A.K. Degree College




Education, Distance Education, Online Education, Global Education


The Internet's presentation (Basher et al, 2008) opened another way to distance learning. It allowed the denied individuals to get their education at their doorstep. Distance education is a mainstream instrument of formal education across the globe in the modern scenario. The historical backdrop of distance education portrays the distance learning advancement and talks about how it found an elective technique to the then existing viable framework which united the understudies to one spot and one an opportunity to gain from one of the bosses.


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How to Cite

Yadav, G. (2023) “Distance Education in Achievement of Universal Education in India”, Amity Journal of Professional Practices. Florida, USA, 3(01). doi: 10.55054/ajpp.v3i01.634.