A comprehensive review of Lean manufacturing using constraints theory with Context to Industry 4.0
Constraints, industry 4.0, IR4, industrial revolution, lean manufacturing, theory of constraintsAbstract
There has been continuous research in finding out novel and cost-effective methods of manufacturing in order to cater multifold surge in demand for products in market. Competition in the manufacturing industry is growing and concerned companies have been pressured to take measures and change their manufacturing processes in order to stay competitive on a global market. Constraints are factors that limit the operational capacity of a manufacturing facility and it is the job of managers to remove these barriers in order to increase outcome and profit. Lean manufacturing, an approach geared towards achieving operational excellence, focuses on waste elimination, process optimization, and ongoing productivity improvement. This methodology aligns seamlessly with the goals of Industry 4.0, which promotes smart manufacturing, efficiency, and flexibility. The combination of lean manufacturing and Industry 4.0 within the theory of constraints provides a synergistic solution to address the complexities and challenges posed by advanced technologies and interconnected systems By leveraging advanced technologies, engaging employees, and adopting a data-driven mindset, manufacturers can successfully navigate the complexities of modern manufacturing and gain a competitive edge in the dynamic marketplace It will also examine the challenges associated with implementing these methodologies in various production systems. Through this research paper, the aim is to invoke novel possibilities in merging lean manufacturing processes with Industry 4.0.
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