
  • Mrinalika Mrinalika Sandip University (Sijoul)
  • Ashwani kumar K.R. Mangalam University, Gurugram, Haryana, INDIA


Engineering, Educational Game, tual, Gameplay and Mechanics


The "Future Frontiers in Galactic Exploration GAME: The Solar System Game" represents an innovative educational tool crafted using C# Unity and spline for 3D modeling. This immersive game is designed to offer a dynamic and interactive learning experience for individuals of all ages, enabling them to embark on a captivating journey through the Solar System. Through the control of a virtual spaceship, players navigate the vastness of space, landing on each planet to gain insights into their distinctive features. The game showcases intricately detailed 3D models of each celestial body, incorporating accurate representations of size and distance from the sun. A notable highlight is the incorporation of sound clues, providing players with auditory cues that elucidate the unique characteristics of each planet when they explore specific features. This educational game not only engages users in a visually stunning exploration but also enriches their understanding of the Solar System through a multi-sensory experience.


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How to Cite

Mrinalika, M., & kumar, A. (2023). FUTURE FRONTIERS IN GALACTIC EXPLORATION. IARS’ Knowledge Planet, (978-1-922642-02-8). Retrieved from https://jconsortium.com/index.php/iarsbookplanet/article/view/772

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