Investigating the performance of carbon nanomaterial-based interconnects for VLSI applications as a potential alternative to traditional copper interconnects.

Investigating the performance of carbon nanomaterial-based interconnects for VLSI applications as a potential alternative to traditional copper interconnects.


  • Krishana Karak Sandip University (Sijoul)
  • Amar Saraswat K.R. Mangalam University, Gurugram, Haryana, INDIA
  • Veena N D Sri Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education


Engineering, MLGNR, microprocessors


In comparison to the traditional and widely accepted copper connection, the performance of MLGNR interconnects is going to be improved thanks to the research presented in this thesis. For the purpose of simulating VLSI interconnects, several nanomaterials based on carbon are utilized. These nanomaterials include MLGNR, vertical MLGNR, Cu-MCNT composite, Cu-GNR hybrid, and Cu-Carbon hybrid. For a variety of potential IRDS technology nodes, spanning from 11 nm to 7 nm, and for a variety of connection lengths, including local, intermediate, and global, the performance of many different carbon nanomaterial-based interconnects is investigated in depth. As compared to copper interconnects, the impact of intercalation doping on the performance of ML-GNR interconnects and their signal integrity is investigated. By the reduction of a variety of performance and reliability characteristics, optimization of the MLGNR connection dimensions (width, thickness, and aspect ratio) is carried out. We used numerical analysis to devise a method for determining an algorithm that would assess the optimal aspect ratio in order to maximize the electrothermal performance and reliability, as well as to reduce the amount of noise and power consumption. This approach does not involve the use of SPICE, hence it has the potential to be of great benefit to the industry when choosing the aspect ratio of interconnects.


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How to Cite

Karak, K., Saraswat, A., & N D, V. (2023). Investigating the performance of carbon nanomaterial-based interconnects for VLSI applications as a potential alternative to traditional copper interconnects. IARS’ Knowledge Planet, (978-1-922642-02-8). Retrieved from