
  • Ashwani kumar K.R. Mangalam University, Gurugram, Haryana, INDIA
  • Krishana Karak Sandip University (Sijoul)
  • Sunil T D Sri Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education


Engineeing, Power generation, Electric signals


In conventional power systems, the power plants are in charge of controlling the flow of electricity, and the production of electricity is timed to follow the capacity demand on an instantaneous basis. The utility corporations exercise centralized control over the flow of power, which is fundamentally unidirectional in nature and is carried out in this fashion. In the power networks of the future, a growing percentage of renewable energy sources will be implemented in a dispersed manner across the load centers. The utility businesses may or may not be aware of the power production that comes from these various energy sources. A sizeable percentage of them are going to be connected to the distribution network in the area that is geographically closest to the cargoes. As a result of the fact that distributed renewable sources are not capable of being dispatched, it is not feasible to ascertain the entire instantaneous power generation from these sources. It is anticipated that increased utilization of intermittent renewable energy sources will introduce dynamic disturbance to the alternating current power supply. It is possible that the electricity quality to essential loads will deteriorate. 


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Harsha Gurdasani, Dr. A G Ananth, Dr. Thangadurai. N, “A Novel Block Diagonalization Algorithm To Suppress Inter-User Interference in a Multi-User MIMO System”, published as a Book Chapter in Springer Lecture Notes in Networks & Systems (Scopus Indexed), Vol 244, Series ISSN: 2367-3370, 978- 981-16-2919-8, DOI: 10.1007/978-981-16-2918-1, pp 117-126

Harsha Gurdasani, Dr. A G Ananth, Dr. Thangadurai. N, “Diversity Enhancement of MIMO System with GA Optimized Linear Precoding of Orthogonal Space-Time Block Codes”, Indonesian Journal Of Electrical Engineering And Informatics, (Scopus Indexed), ISSN: 2089-3272, Vol 9, No 2, June 2021, pp. 512-520

Harsha Gurdasani, Dr. A G Ananth, Dr. Thangadurai. N, “Channel capacity Enhancement of MIMO Using Water Filling Algorithm” , Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education, . (Scopus Indexed), ISSN: 1309-4653, Vol.12, No.12 (2021), pp 192-201.

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Harsha Gurdasani, Dr. A G Ananth, Dr. T C Manjunath, “A Study of Design and Development of an Efficient MIMO Communication System.”, in International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering (IJAREEIE) (An ISO 3297-2007 Certified Organization), Vol 5, Issue 5, May 2016, pp 4312-4315.

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How to Cite

kumar, A., Karak, K., & T D, S. (2023). APPLICATION OF GENETIC ALGORITHMS IN SOLVING COMPLEX PROBLEMS. IARS’ Knowledge Planet, (978-1-922642-02-8). Retrieved from

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