Matrix Assisted Laser Desorption (MALDI), a versatile tool for the characterization of Dendrimers


  • Sonia Skaria Mar Ivanios College
  • Suju C Joseph Mar Ivanios College



Dendrimers, MALDI, DHB matrix


Matrix Assisted Laser Desorption (MALDI) is a soft ionization technique used in modern day chemistry to analyze polymers with high precision and speed. This technique does not require any polymer standard for mass calibration (as in the case of gel – permeation chromatography GPC). Protocols require only minimum amounts of solvent and consumables. Measurements of the masses of individual oligomers facilitate the determination of masses of monomers and end groups. This overview discusses the application and use of MALDI for the determination of molecular mass distribution of oligomers and end groups. However, biomolecules and other polymers with a polydispersity index (PDI) greater than 1.2 are not suitable candidates for this analysis owing to signal intensity discrimination against higher mass oligomers.


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How to Cite

Skaria, S. . and C Joseph, S. . (2022) “Matrix Assisted Laser Desorption (MALDI), a versatile tool for the characterization of Dendrimers”, Amity Journal of Professional Practices. Florida, USA, 2(01). doi: 10.55054/ajpp.v2i01.492.
